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Arapahoe County Quilters

Celebrating the Art of Quiltmaking for 30+ Years

Festival of Quilts will be June 6-7 2025. Look for more information on the
Festival of Quilts home page.

Quilt Entry

Review the quilt categories and rules before purchasing your quilt entry.  If you are submitting two quilts, purchase your first quilt entry then you will be emailed the link to submit a second quilt entry for $5.00.  If you have any questions, email

Basic Rules

  1. Each ACQ member may enter a maximum of three (3) quilts (the 3rd being a Challenge Quilt entry).  Entry fees are:  $20.00 for the first quilt, $5.00 for additional quilts.
  2. Starting on February 1, 2025, current ACQ members may submit entries through Friday, April 4, 2025 using either online entry or paper form (paper form coming soon).
  3. From April 5, 2025 to Friday, April 25, 2025, ACQ members and Non-ACQ Members may submit entries on a space-available basis via online entry only.  
  4. Non-ACQ members may enter quilts on a space-available basis for $30 for the first quilt and $5 for second quilt, via online entry only.  
  5. Each person may submit only one (1) quilt per judged category (with exception of Master Quilter category).
  6. All quilt show entry forms and payment must be received by April 25, 2025.
  7. ACQ reserves the right to decide how to display the quilts.

Quilt Specification Rules

  1. Quilt must have been completed after June 2023.
  2. No quilt entered in a previous ACQ Quilt show is allowed.
  3. Quilt must consist of three layers: top, batting, and backing and be quilted by hand, machine or a combination of both.  No tied comforters.
  4. Quilt must be clean and free of pet hair, smoke and odors.  ACQ reserves the right to disqualify any quilt that does not meet show criteria.
  5. Quilt must have a 4-inch hanging sleeve attached on the back top edge of the quilt.  Note: If quilt is over 88 inches in length, a sleeve must be positioned at 88 inches from the bottom to allow quilt to hang without dragging on the floor.
  6. Quilt must have a label on the quilt back with your name and the quilt name clearly written. Please cover the label for judging.
  7. Each quilt must be received in its own cloth bag or pillowcase (no plastic bags).  One quilt per bag. The cloth bag must also be labeled with your name and the quilt name.

Registration Rules

  1. Take care in filling out your entry form so that we can properly judge and display your quilt.  Review the category descriptions (below) to determine in which category to enter your quilt. If you need further clarification, send an email to
  2. A quilt entered in the wrong category may be moved to an appropriate category in which it can be fairly judged.
  3. In the event of a large or small number of entries in a given category, the committee reserves the right to further subdivide or combine categories.
  4. If you do not provide a quilt description for your entry, the printed program and information displayed with your quilt will include only your name and quilt name.
  5. The First Time entrant designation is for ACQ members entering ACQ’s FOQ for the first time.
  6. Every entrant is required to volunteer for one shift per quilt at the show or at a show related activity.  ACQ reserves the right to disqualify your entries if you do not volunteer or arrange a substitute.  See Volunteer Page for more Information.

Quilt Category Definitions

  • Youth 12 and under For entrants ages 12 years and younger; quilt must be made mostly by the entrant. 
  • Youth 13 to 17 – For entrants ages 13 through 17 years; quilt must be made mostly by the entrant.
  • Pieced – Quilt that is mostly pieced.
  • Appliqué – Quilt that is mostly appliquéd by hand or machine.  Can include piecing.
  • Modern – Modern quilt typically includes bold colors, minimalistic design and negative spaces.  Can include improvisational piecing and lots of solid fabrics.
  • Art – Quilt of original design with innovative themes, materials, or construction.  Can include mixed media. (Artistic quilts made from kits do not qualify for this category—enter in Kits instead.)
  • Special Techniques – Quilt mostly of special techniques such as whole cloth, crazy quilt, embroidered, stained glass or cathedral windows. 
  • Kit or Block of the Month – Quilt made from a pre-planned commercial kit or block-of-the-month club where a shop or design source has supplied both the pattern and the fabric.  Please include the name of the kit or BOM pattern in Design Credit field.
  • Master Quilter - Quilter has won monetary award at a national show.  If you are entering more than one quilt, FOQ committee will separate your quilts into 2 groups for judging.
  • Display Only / Non-Judged – Quilt entered for display in the show, but quilt is not judged and is not eligible for awards (with exception of Sponsor’s and Viewer’s Choice).

Number of Quilters

  • One Person - One individual made the quilt top and quilted it themselves.
  • Two Persons - Quilt made by 2 people.  For example, quilt top made by one person and quilted by another person.
  • Group - Quilt is made by 3 or more people.

Quilting Techniques:

  • Hand – Quilting stitches are sewn by hand.
  • Domestic Machine - Quilting stitches are sewn on a domestic (home) sewing machine, where the quilt is moved by hand.
  • Mid-Arm / Long-Arm Hand Guided - Quilting stitches are sewn on a quilting machine with throat size 16 inches or more where the quilting process is guided by hand.
  • Mid-Arm / Long-Arm Computerized - Quilting stitches are sewn on a quilting machine with throat size 16 inches or more where a computer guides the machine in the quilting process.

Festival of Quilts Timetable

Important dates, when/where to turn in your quilt and the show timeline.

Pre-Show Deadlines!

2/1/25 - 4/4/25   

ACQ member entry period online or using paper form

4/5/25 - 4/25/25 

ACQ member and Non-member entry period using online form.


All entry forms and payment must be received.


Quilts can be dropped off during the Charity Sewing Bee at Our Father Lutheran Church from 10:30am - 2:30pm.

5/23/25 - 6/2/25

Early drop off for quilts at one of these local shops:  Treelotta, Creative Needle, Holly’s Quilt Cabin, Fabric Play. (Quilts are not returned to the shops after the show).


Last chance to drop off all quilts, at the show site from 4:00pm - 7:00p.m. 


All quilts must be received by this date!



Provide written authorization to FOQ committee by this date to allow someone else to pick up your quilt after the show.


Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony at 6:30 pm in the Church Fellowship Hall.


Quilt show open to the public 9:00am - 5:00pm.


 Quilt show open to the public 9:00am - 4:00 pm.


Pick up all quilts at the show site from 5:00pm - 6:00 pm All quilts must be picked up at this time!

Don't forget - the Festival of Quilts is at a new location this year!

Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church Community Center

10150 E Belleview Ave, 

Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Purchase your first entry here

You must be logged in to register as an ACQ member and receive ACQ member pricing.  Entry for non-members will open on April 5th and the price will be adjusted to 30.00 at that point.  If you have any questions, please email


Meetings held the 2nd Thursday of each month

All meetings are streamed online

In person meetings are held at:

Our Father Lutheran Church

6335 S Holly St, Centennial, CO


 © 2024 Arapahoe Count


Arapahoe County Quilters
PO Box 5357
Englewood, CO 80155


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